BRIEF Estate Planning Course
For those who want to have some practical Will & Estate Planning knowledge.
This BRIEF course on will-writing, trust set up and integrated approach to estate planning will benefit insurance/unit trust agents as well as consumers who don’t have much background on estate planning. If you have many questions in your mind that you want practical answers with clear explanation, this brief course is FOR YOU.
Sifu Lee is well known among his many students in Certified Financial Planner (CFP) online classes on the clear manner he explains estate planning concepts. You will benefit tremendously from the clear presentation of the concepts of will & estate planning.

Section A: Estate Planning Video Library
1. What are the differences between MRTA and MLTA?
2. Does Insurance nomination take precedence over the Will?
3. A person covered with MRTA dies, will the bank or family member get the insurance proceed first?
4. What is Term Insurance Cover/Policy?
5. What will happen to the insurance proceeds if the insured die without leaving any relative?
6. I don’t want my husband to get my life insurance proceeds. Can I nominate my minor (age below 18) child?
7. How can Insurance be used in estate planning to ensure the money goes to beneficiaries? Can creditors sue for Insurance payout?
8. If a policy owner has not name any nominee. After he death, will the Insurance money be paid to his parents or to his estate?
9. A policy owner Insured himself and named his wife and minor children as nominees. When he dies, his wife receives the money pay-out, then what about the minor children? Are they not recipients of the money too?
10. At the time of nomination for his life insurance, this owner is still married with children. Then he DIVORCES his wife, so who shall receive the insurance money when he dies?
11. Does Insurance nomination takes precedence even though I have a clause in my Will that says, if nominations in my life insurance policy fails, I give it to …
12. Since Personal Accident (PA) policy is cheaper than life insurance, can I include PA into client portfolio to replace life insurance for debt cancellation?
13. What is the definition of TPD in policy contract? (Total and Permanent Disability) Is the TPD definition same in all the life insurance companies?
14. If there is no appointed trustee in the Life Insurance policy, can the policy owner change the nomination?
15. To avoid creditors claim from my death insurance money pay-out, shall I appoint a Trust Company as my trustee by setting up an Insurance Trust?
16. What documents are required to make a life insurance death claim?
17. What is the difference between trust & non trust policy in life insurance/PA nomination under Financial Service Act 2013 (Schedule 10)?
18. Minor children are mentioned in Testamentary Trust and Guardian has been appointed. Who holds the money in trust? Is it the Executor?
19. To prepare a will does one need to list down all the assets and liabilities?
20. Joint bank accounts – How to write in the Will? 2nd Question: about Foreign Will (Actual questions asked during Estate Planning Talk)
21. What happens if the appointed trustee is a con? 2nd Q: What happens when a trustee becomes a bankrupt/ (Actual questions asked during Estate Planning Talk)
22. Is corporate trustee fee expensive?
23. What is Investment-Linked Regular Premium Life policy?
24. What are the PROBLEMS if an individual is the appointed trustee and he/she dies half way doing his/her job in a testamentary trust?
25. In a Will, a Trustee is applied to hold cash for the beneficiaries in a testamentary trust. What are the differences between appointing an individual vs a corporate trustee?
26. Will the instructions in Living Trust cancelled by instructions in the Will? (Actual questions asked by student in CFP class)
27. Can anyone be appointed as a Trust Protector? (Actual question asked by student in CFP class)

Section B: Topical Discussion on Integrated Estate Planning
1. CFP Lecture – Very Brief Overview on Islamic Estate Planning. (Part of CFP Module topical discussion)
2. CFP Lecture – 20 Year Convertible Term Insurance vs 5 Year Renew and Convertible Term Insurance
3. CFP Lecture – Business Owner DIED – Sole proprietor VS Sdn Bhd shareholder/Director
4. CFP Lecture – Kisah Benar – One of the 4 brothers (Minimart business) who were co-borrowers of the shophouse died.
5. CFP Lecture – Living Trust vs Testamentary Trust
6. CFP Lecture – Living trust funded by life insurance through absolute assignment. (Recorded before IRB assesses the stamp duty based on policy sum assured instead of a nominal RM10)
7. CFP Lecture – Anita Mui’s Will story (contested her mother)
8. CFP Lecture – detailed explanation on integrated estate planning SOLUTION Model (35 min)
9. CFP Lecture – Questions:
What if the will writer/unit trust agent become Trust Protector of the client’s Will?
10. CFP Lecture – Revocable trust vs Irrevocable trust, what are the differences and how you use it in planning against creditors claims or bankruptcy planning?
11. CFP Lecture – Distribution Act 1958.
What’s the good news and bad news after the 1997 Amendment?
12. CFP Lecture/Talk – Question:
What’s the difference between Life Insurance Nomination vs Will instruction or vs Simple Will?
13. CFP Lecture – What happens when a DIVORCEE/Single Parent Nominate Minor Child(men) in her life insurance policy? What are the potential PROBLEMS?
14. CFP Lecture – Integrated Estate Planning for SME/Business owner

Section C: Estate Planning Awareness Talks
1. Lee Khee Chuan was invited by Sean, a long time personal friend to share his estate planning knowledge to real estate investors during a live Facebook telecast organised with a real estate agency. Lee Khee Chuan is not endorsing any brand or company doing the interview.
2. Estate Planning awareness talk presented to cancer survivors group by Lee Khee Chuan.
3. Estate Planning awareness talk given to a group of parents who are Mandarin speaking. This presentation was conducted in Mandarin.
4. This is a Will and Estate Planning awareness talk presented to an NGO whose members are parents with special needs children. The talk was tailor-made for parents with special needs children.

This is the BEST course you can find in the market that will answer many of the practical questions you have. You can email directly to Sifu Lee ( on any other questions you can’t find the answer in this course.
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